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Mon to Fri - 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday,Sunday: Closed

Occupational Health And Safety Policy

W.E. realize that working safely is vital to the ultimate success of our organization. There can be no compromise with safety; it is, and always will be, the responsibility of each and every one of us. For all of our employees, safety will always take precedence over job expediency.

W.E and our Managers and Supervisors have a total commitment to, and will continue to be responsible for, health, safety, rehabilitation and welfare of our employees, and others at our work places. They may delegate OHS&R duties and activities but not their responsibilities. All persons directing the work of others at our workplaces are required to join with employees and work together towards achieving and maintaining a high level of safety performance.

W.E. is also committed to protecting our employees by demonstrating a ‘Duty of Care’ through effective OHS&R safety system and risk management strategies and the application of Industry-based Standard OHS&R procedures. All Employees, other persons and organizations are required to unite with us in joint.

Objectives, which are:

  • To create and maintain a safe, healthy and productive workplace environment and procedures for all persons at our places of work, against risks to their health, safety or welfare arising out of our work activities;
  • To create and maintain continuous improvement strategies, systematically managing to ensure proactive hazard controls and legitimate implementation of our Policies and Procedures to the Industry-based OHS&R Standard for safety system and Risk Management; and To ensure compliance with the OH&S Act, Associated Acts, referenced Industry Codes of Practice and referenced Standards.

Employees are required by law under a Duty of care of their health and safety, and that of their fellow workers to the extent of their capabilities, by following all safety rules, procedures and instructions, and by reporting all hazards, injuries or ill health. Employees must not misuse safety equipment.

W.E. recognizes the importance of maintaining and enhancing the quality of the environment for the benefit of our customers, employees, stakeholders and the community. Our commitment is to deliver our projects in an environmentally responsible manner.

Specifically, W.E. is committed to:

  • Preventing pollution of the environment by activities over which we have control.
  • Conducting business with suppliers who also have a commitment to responsible environmental management.
  • Continually improving our environmental management performance by regular reviews and setting realistic environmental objectives and targets.
  • To achieve our policy goals we will plan and manage our activities in accordance with best practice environmental management principals.

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